1. Daily in the morning rise early and before doing brush take 4 Glasses of Normal water.
Than you brush and go for morning walk.
2. Come and take the food where you will take more fruits and less oily food.
3. In the Night before going to bed you just apply the hair oil prepeared specially for the hair loss treatment mentioned bellow
4. In the morning use the Natural shampoo what we call it in India "RITHA" the pure herb.
Special Oil
:- Purchase any branded Almond oil of 100gms
take 10ml of Arnica (Q) & 10ml of Jaborandi (Q) homeopath medicine.
take it from any homeopath medicine shop. it doesnt require any prescription as they do not have any side effects.
mix those 10ml each with the 100 ml of Almond oil.
Shake it everytime before aplling to hair every night.
Aply it with your finger tips and leave it over night
in the morning aplly the natural shampoo or any herbal shampoo.
try it for 15 days the result you will get 100%
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