Monday, March 30, 2009

Brassage Bra Benefits

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Brassage Bra BenefitsIt's a bra! It's a bustier! It's Healthy?!? That's right ladies (and gentleman if you really wanna go there :)) - get ready to be wowed - a bra that is good for you. First chocolate, now this - the world's getting better all the time. The nitty gritty: These bras were designed by a doctor and a lingerie designer who wanted to create underwear that benefitted the wearer.

True to form, these bras are organic cotton, latex free and include these amazing massaging bumps on the side under your armpit. Coincidentally, that's where the infamous lymph gland resides - and these bumps massage these glands as you move - improving circulation and encouraging a daily detox.

According to Dr. Jayson Sher, the Los Angeles-based chiropractor who invented the technology behind the Brassage, the cushions micro-massage the lymphatic vessels as a woman moves, making walking - even breathing - an opportunity to cleanse the system.

"A normal bra will hold the breasts in place and be pretty," said Sher, who worked on his patented LETflow (Lymphatic Enhancement Technology) for more than eight years before sharing it with Erteszek for use in the Brassage.

"This bra holds the breasts in place, is pretty, and also has a therapeutic process." Sher said the LETflow technology promotes healthy breast tissue by stimulating the lymph node beneath the armpit.

There are more than 500 lymph nodes throughout the body, all of which work as filters to trap and expel bacteria, viruses and other toxins.

Sher said massaging the lymph nodes can speed up the drainage process, which could potentially reduce the risk of breast disease.

"It's been medically and scientifically believed that toxins have an affinity toward affecting the DNA of cells," he said. "We do not say that this takes the place of regular examination or mammograms. It's just another weapon in the arsenal against breast disease."