If you're sick of answering that question and you're ready to start looking your best, here are some of the things that you'll want to do to get rid of those dark circles:
* 1. Get enough sleep. The most common cause of those dark circles really is that you're not getting enough sleep. If you're serious about improving your appearance then you'll need to make changes to your schedule that will allow you to get enough sleep every single night. Try it for just a week or two and you'll see that the circles go away and you're looking and feeling your best.
* 2. Drink lots of water. Many people find that drinking at least eight glasses of water per day can significantly improve the appearance of the skin on the face. This includes a reduction in the appearance of dark circles.
* 3. Cold liquid compresses on the eyes. Getting enough sleep and drinking enough water are great for long-term results but what about those times when you have dark circles that you need to get rid of immediately? Cold eye compresses can help. Dip a cotton ball in milk or tea and press it on the eyes for a few moments. Alternatively, cold cucumber slices on the eyes may help.
* 4. Make-up. There's nothing wrong with covering up those dark circles with concealer if all that you're seeking to do is hide them for a short period of time. Find good make-up that won't make it obvious that you're trying to cover something up.
* 5. Eye creams. In addition to the make-up that may be used to cover up dark circles temporarily, you can benefit from using nighttime eye creams that are designed to reduce the puffiness and dark circles that you see upon wakening up. Mostly these creams are intended to moisturize and nourish the eyes while you sleep so that the circles don't form.
* 6. Eat foods rich in iron. Studies in the past have shown that having enough iron in your diet can significantly reduce the appearance of undereye circles over time. In general, it's important that you eat a balanced and nutritional diet if you want your skin - including under your eyes - to look as good as it should.
* 7. Cosmetic or plastic surgery. There are several different cosmetic procedures that can be used to reduce undereye circles that aren't going away even when other methods have been tried and tested. These include non-invasive procedures such as the use of lasers to reduce the spots under the eyes. They also include more invasive eye lift procedures
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