However, excessive underarm sweating does happen. And if you’re one of those who are having a hard time coping with this condition, then you’ve definitely come to the right place. Read on to find out how to get rid of this embarrassing problem.
Excessive Underarm Sweating Solution # 1: Mind Over Matter
You know what they say… It’s all in the mind. When you’re feeling anxious or nervous, you tend to sweat a lot. So relax. If you find it hard to calm down, try any of these herbs: St. John’s Wort, lemon balm, catnip, chamomile, or passion flower.
If you’re stuck in a warm place, imagine yourself surrounded by ice. Thinking about how warm you feel will only serve to make your sweat glands perspire even more.
Excessive Underarm Sweating Solution # 2: Check Your Caffeine Intake
Yes, you read that right, coffee junkies. Caffeine is a stimulant and causes your body to sweat more (either because you’re hyper or experiencing tiny anxiety attacks). If you tend to drink more than two or three cups of coffee a day, try to cut back cup by cup.
Excessive Underarm Sweating Solution # 3: Train Your Body
When your body is used to being in an air-conditioned room, you’re bound to sweat more than those who don’t always use the air conditioner. If you really want your body to become more accustomed to a higher temperature, cut back on the air-con use. This is more of a tough love method, but it works.
Excessive underarm sweating can be pretty embarrassing. Even if nobody really notices or knows about your condition, feeling your sweat trickling down your chin and underarms - while you’re giving a report - isn’t exactly the best feeling in the world. So if you really want to control your sweat glands, I suggest trying out the above mentioned recommendations.
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