Monday, March 30, 2009

Brassage Bra Benefits

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It's a bra! It's a bustier! It's Healthy?!? That's right ladies (and gentleman if you really wanna go there :)) - get ready to be wowed - a bra that is good for you. First chocolate, now this - the world's getting better all the time. The nitty gritty: These bras were designed by a doctor and a lingerie designer who wanted to create underwear that benefitted the wearer.True to form, these bras are organic cotton, latex free and include...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Get Your Skin Attractive

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Get Your Skin AttractiveNormal SkinOne hundred percent normal skin is a rare blessing.• It is smooth textured with no visible pores.• It shows no signs of dryness in youth.• It has an even tone that is not too pale, sallow or red.• It will tend towards dryness with age and as a result of external influence.Morning• Cleanse using a wipe-off or wash-off cleanser for normal-to-dry skin.• Tone using alcohol-free toner one a water-moistened...

Ten helpful eye care tips

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Ten helpful eye care tips1. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables which are rich in carotene ( carrots, spinach, papaya and mangoes etc )2. Sleep well, that will refresh your eyes and makes them to work more efficiently.3. Exercise regularly to improve blood circulation, that way eyes receives enough oxygen for better performance.4. Drink lots and lots of water ( at least 12 glasses )5. Blink your eyes. That’s an exercise and massage for...

How to look slim

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There are times when you take a break from your sensible-eating and exercise regime and want to just lie back and enjoy all those forbidden foods. Well then you are bound to put on weight but until you have worked towards reducing the excess weight you can follow these few tips to look slim. 1. Stand comfortably erect and stick your stomach in. Good posture always makes you look slimmer. 2. Dark colours such as olive, black, charcoal...

How to stop excess hair loss after coloring the hair

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Their are 5 simple Tips1. Daily in the morning rise early and before doing brush take 4 Glasses of Normal water.Than you brush and go for morning walk.2. Come and take the food where you will take more fruits and less oily food.3. In the Night before going to bed you just apply the hair oil prepeared specially for the hair loss treatment mentioned bellow4. In the morning use the Natural shampoo what we call it in India "RITHA" the pure...

How to Stop Bleeding Gums

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Bleeding gums can be one sign of periodontal disease, gingivitis, or other serious problems. Other symptoms like bad breath, toothache, and receding gums indicate poor dental health.Gum disease affects the tissues that surround and support the teeth. Bacteria affect the gum, which can turn into tartar and plaque buildup, irritate your gums and lead to bleeding and receding gums. Top quality oral hygiene cures bleeding gums.Bleeding gums are also caused by the canker sores which are caused by the herpes simplex virus.Aging is...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tips to avoid wrinkles

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While it is impossible to avoid wrinkles altogether your whole life the natural way, it is possible to stay wrinkle-free for a longer time. These are some simple steps that will help you delay signs of aging:1- Eat healthy. Include all food groups and avoid added sugar and refined flour.2- Eat fresh. Fresh foods have more nutrients and are more delicious.3- Don't worry, be happy. Stress and unhappiness ages you.4- Use sun block. And avoid...

Natural tips to remove blackheads

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HoneyWarm some honey and place it on trouble areas for 10 – 15 minutes. Wash off. Honey is a well known and effective method of removing blackheads from the skin.Baking Soda & WaterCombine 3 tablespoons of baking soda with 3 tablespoons of water. Rub this solution on your skin for a few minutes, and rinse with warm water for effective blackhead extraction.Lemon JuiceUse lemon juice directly from the lemon on areas affected with blackheads...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

3 Cool Tips to Stop Underarm Sweating

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It’s like a taboo topic that nobody wants to talk about—excessive underarm sweating, that is. Not that you can blame them. It’s not exactly a crowd pleaser and opening up such a topic might only lead other people to jump to conclusions.However, excessive underarm sweating does happen. And if you’re one of those who are having a hard time coping with this condition, then you’ve definitely come to the right place. Read on to find out how...

Shahnaz Hussain beauty tips

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This tips are very simple and recommended by Shahnaz Hussain.1. Apply sandalwood paste on pimples and leave it overnight.2. For acne / pimples, simmer neem leaves in water. Cool and strain the water and use it to wash the face.3. For acne, make a paste of tulsi leaves and apply daily, washing it off after 20 minutes.4. To cleanse pimple-prone skin mix two teaspoons each of cucumber juice, lemon juice and milk. Dip cotton wool pads in it...

Monday, March 23, 2009

How to Get Killer cheekbones

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How to Get Killer cheekbones. We’ve all sucked in our cheeks in the vain hope of supermodel cheekbones. But there’s an easier way. The trick comes down to expert contouring and using the right products to shade away the years.Get the look1. Start by finding your cheekbones. Take your index, middle and ring fingers and press them under your cheekbones to get an idea of where you need to be shading. The length of the contour should be no...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

How To Aply Lipstick And Lip Liner

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How To Aply Lipstick And Lip LinerA. Do Liner First Lip liner is optional but if you use it, it should go on first. Don't use liner darker than your lipstick, because if the lipstick fades and the liner doesn't, you're left with just an outline. Use neutral or lipstick-matched liner. Starting at the center of your upper lip, draw a line to each outer corner, following the edge of your natural lip line. Fill in color all over lips if...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Black Skin Care Tips

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Black skin needs as much care as any other if it is to maintain its healthy and good looks.The major of biological factor that separates black skin from white is the pigment called melanin. One good advantage of having large amounts of melanin in the skin is that the melanin protects black skin from the sun and from many of the ravages of sun-induced ageing. Nevertheless, a sunscreen with SPF should be applied daily to help protect against...

how to control Hair dandruff

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Hair dandruff how to control it hilary sept05 hairDandruff is the most widespread hair problem especially among men. If you ever had dandruff, also known as scurf, you know what it’s like – irritated scalp and itches, flaky skin and constant wondering whether to wear black or not. Many people err to believe that dandruff is caused by dry skin, frequent head washing or poor hygiene. These popular myths can lead to ineffective and often...

How to apply eyeliner

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Don’t bother trying to convince yourselves that using eyeliner is the most efficient and quick way to ruin your make-up, by turning your eyes into blurry smeared drawings, as it is simply not true. Always remember that practice makes perfect, ladies.The secret of the “tricky” liquid eyeliner lies in the mastering of few techniques that we will graciously share with you just days before the hottest part of the summer.Proper make-up foundationYou...