Take couple of spoons of curd and apply it on the scalp for 30 minutes and then use some gentle shampoo to wash the hair and it will really help you to get rid of dandruff. You can also apply the mixture of curd and powder of green gram two times in a week and this is another good home treatment for dandruff.
Use of vinegar is good to treat the dandruff. Wash your hair and use the vinegar by mixing it with warm water. Make a solution of one part of water with two parts of apple cinder vinegar. If the dandruff problem still prevails then use a concentrated solution to throw away the dandruff. This is the simple procedure through which you can throw out the dandruff with less spending.
Diet has an important role to play with the health of scalp and for preventing and curing the dandruff problem you must focus on your diet. Eat the diet which contains most of the time fresh fruits like grapefruit, orange, apple, pears, grapes for one week and avoid fruits which are canned or citrus to cure the dandruff.
Along with other reasons, stress is a big reason for dandruff. Dandruff is the way of body to let us know that we are having stress in life. Try to get rid of stress and you will get rid of dandruff automatically. Use yoga and do regular exercise to avoid stress in life.
These are some good, easy and useful home treatments which can help you control dandruff and dryness of scalp effectively with regular use.
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