The two features, that is your face and your hairstyle would complement each other. As you really can’t do much to alter the shape of your face, it becomes all the more important to adjust and style your hair to add to your facial personality.
Follow the steps to arrive at the most appropriate style that adds to your personality.
Step-1 The shape of a face can broadly be classified to five or six types. It could be a round or an oval shaped face. Some have a squarish or a rectangular shape while at times it may be heart shaped.
Determine the shape of your face by spending some time before a mirror. That’s the most important step, for, what suits somebody else may not suit you due to difference of shape.
Step-2 Hair styles need maintenance and thus demand your time. You may choose a style that looks good on you but it may need a bit too much of your time everyday or at times you may feel more convenient in a different style, depending on the activities, (and even the profession) that take most of your time.
Do you like to pull them down at the gym or do you like those to be falling on your face? Take all that into consideration.
Step-3 Watch people around you to assess the shape of their faces and the kind of style they are flaunting. Better still, collect magazines connected with fashion and cut out the snaps of celebrities with your kind of facial shape.
Now compare those cut outs, keeping in mind the above two steps. Short list a few that impresses you most.
Step-4 Are you aware that there are a few websites that allow you to load a photograph of yourself and virtually try a new style. Some are free. Search the net to choose one and try a virtual style.
Stp-5 Consult the stylist. Armed with those snaps and the virtual styles approach your stylist and take his/her opinion. He will educate you on all the aspects right from the most suitable style to the effort you’ll be required to maintain that style.
Step-6 Maintain a positive frame of mind, after all it’s your hair. Even if you don’t
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