Friday, May 28, 2010

Safe Ways to Induce Labor Naturally

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Safe Ways to Induce Labor NaturallySome mothers get tired of being pregnant; especially if they haven’t delivered even after the due date.

This leads to acute discomfort and frustration. There are a few ways to induce labor naturally however you must not look into these methods or try them without an approval from your surgeon and gynecologist.

Visiting an acupressure therapist may benefit you as there are several pressure points that you help to induce labor. Only a certified practitioner must be approached in this case and this treatment must be performed only under the supervision of the gynecologist.

Mix castor oil with your food. The oil will create a sensation of diarrhea for several hours. If you are using this as a method of inducing labor you must inform the mid wife in advance as you may deliver the baby within a few hours after consuming the oil.

If you experience contraction however they are very mild and want to induce labor then you need to walk briskly. This is a simple way to induce labor and it does not cause any harm. The risks are very low in this type method. Walking or changing positions frequently is a simple and effective way of inducing labor even if you are over due.

Massages are very effective in inducing labor. It works on the same concept as the acupressure. Massage the hands, feet and temples on the forehead to relax the person. This will increase the production of the hormones and once the woman is completely relaxed she will begin to experience contractions.

Spicy foods are known to get the contractions going however there is no evidence to prove that eating his type of food works.

Some women swear that eating pineapples induce labor and cause contractions quickly. Others claim the same thing about papayas. Though these may have been a boon for some women there is no scientific evidence to prove it. You may choose to try these methods but do not expect any miracles.

Remember, whatever method you choose to try to induce labor you need to always relax and stay calm. Getting stressed out when you are pregnant does not help you in any way and is harmful to your baby. Let nature take it course and your baby will come at the right time.

7 Ways to Remove Undereye Circles

7 Ways to Remove Undereye CirclesIt is frustrating to look in the mirror and see dark circles around your eyes. The reason that this is so frustrating is because you can do a lot of things to improve the appearance of your face but few of them are going to matter if people can still see those dark circles. This annoying health problem causes you to look older than your actual age and makes people constantly ask you if you are tired.

If you're sick of answering that question and you're ready to start looking your best, here are some of the things that you'll want to do to get rid of those dark circles:

* 1. Get enough sleep.
The most common cause of those dark circles really is that you're not getting enough sleep. If you're serious about improving your appearance then you'll need to make changes to your schedule that will allow you to get enough sleep every single night. Try it for just a week or two and you'll see that the circles go away and you're looking and feeling your best.

* 2. Drink lots of water.
Many people find that drinking at least eight glasses of water per day can significantly improve the appearance of the skin on the face. This includes a reduction in the appearance of dark circles.

* 3. Cold liquid compresses on the eyes.
Getting enough sleep and drinking enough water are great for long-term results but what about those times when you have dark circles that you need to get rid of immediately? Cold eye compresses can help. Dip a cotton ball in milk or tea and press it on the eyes for a few moments. Alternatively, cold cucumber slices on the eyes may help.

* 4. Make-up. There's nothing wrong with covering up those dark circles with concealer if all that you're seeking to do is hide them for a short period of time. Find good make-up that won't make it obvious that you're trying to cover something up.

* 5. Eye creams.
In addition to the make-up that may be used to cover up dark circles temporarily, you can benefit from using nighttime eye creams that are designed to reduce the puffiness and dark circles that you see upon wakening up. Mostly these creams are intended to moisturize and nourish the eyes while you sleep so that the circles don't form.

* 6. Eat foods rich in iron.
Studies in the past have shown that having enough iron in your diet can significantly reduce the appearance of undereye circles over time. In general, it's important that you eat a balanced and nutritional diet if you want your skin - including under your eyes - to look as good as it should.

* 7. Cosmetic or plastic surgery. There are several different cosmetic procedures that can be used to reduce undereye circles that aren't going away even when other methods have been tried and tested. These include non-invasive procedures such as the use of lasers to reduce the spots under the eyes. They also include more invasive eye lift procedures

8 Tips to Take Control of Your Weight

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8 Tips to Take Control of Your WeightAnyone who is overweight will testify that losing weight is not as easy as it seems. The people that are lean, or have gone from fat to skinny will say it’s just a matter of motivation and elbow grease. Although it is not as simple as that. Our environments have waged war on us. Their weapons are sedentary lives and Trans fats of mass destruction. All is not lost though, here are some quick simple tips to get ahead!

1. Substitute Water.
Our bodies are about 65-70% water. It follows that water would be not only essential, but the best possibly choice of liquids to ingest. In fact, our bodies will sometimes simulate a hunger response, when in reality the body is craving hydration. When hungry, drink a glass or two of water to check if it suppresses your hunger.

2. Chew Your Food.
Chewing our food very slowly and deliberately has several benefits that are often overlooked. It gives us the ability to relax, and enjoy our meal. Slow chewing is the first, and highly important, step in a complex system of digestion. Besides, if we eat slowly, we might feel full before finishing the whole meal, and can leave the rest for the next meal.

3. Exercise daily.
How silly of me to include something as obvious as exercise. I did a 30 day trial with waking up, and walking for 30 minutes first thing in the morning. My journal records that I was feeling amazing during the period of time that I was following this habit

4. Publicize your intentions.
Start a blog, join a forum, and have other people keep you accountable to help. Tell other people your plan, it would help you get the motivation to go with it!

5. Create a food schedule.
Plan your day so that you’re eating at approximately the same time each day. This scheduling will incorporate itself into your circadian rhythm, and aid in digestion.

6. Do not over eat.
Know your limit and stop eating when you are full. I have often been a victim of wanting to finish a meal so that it doesn’t go to waste. This has left me with many a stomach ache. Next time, doggy bag it for later, and don’t hurt yourself!

7.Choose your snacks wisely.
Put down the Lays® and cheese puffs. Pick up the apple and baby carrots. Make the right decision, I know you can do it

Remember, it’s not about special diets, or special exercise programs. The real secret is in turning your health into a lifestyle, and focusing on this healthy lifestyle with every choice you make