Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bridal Skin Care Tips

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Every bride desires her skin to look flawless and radiant on her wedding day. While you're busy picking your wedding outfit, sending out invitations and making arrangements for the guests who're about to pour in, don't forget to take some time off your crazy routine to indulge in some bridal skin care which will help you look absolutely stunning on your wedding day!Leave all your worries aside, focus on your skin! Remember, on your wedding...

Give Your Lips A Youthful Touch

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As you grow older, signs of aging will start appearing everywhere on your face. Once these fine lines and wrinklesstart developing, women begin using cosmetics to cover up and erase these signs of aging.Even the delicate lips are not spared by the aging process, and as the number of candles keeps on increasing on your birthday cake your lips become thinner, feathered and chapped.But there’s no need to worry, because we’ve got some handy...

Tips to Get Clear Skin

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These days’ people like to change with fashion because they want to appear exceptionally different and also feel young always with fair and glowing skin.There are various products or cosmetics are available in the market that challenges to provide the clear and glowing skin but on the other hand, prolonged use of cosmetics can damage the skin complexion.Some cosmetics consists some harmful or toxins chemicals that can badly effect the...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Shahnaz hussain winter Beauty Tips

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On skincare tips for winter, particularly on the possibility of an astringent or toner drying out skin during the three-step skincare routineOily skin can be an advantage especially during winters and is less likely to age. It is most important to regularly cleanse the face and body to prevent blocked pores that may lead to breakouts of blackheads, whiteheads and acne in general. After washing your face, use a toner made of rose extracts...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Underarm Hair Removal Tips

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Whether or not you wear sleeveless dresses, removing underarm hair is quite important for a number of reasons. Firstly, of course, it isn’t very aesthetically pleasing to see a thick growth of hair under the arms ruining your overall appeal, especially with sleeveless dresses. Apart from the aesthetic point of view, this hair growth causes some other problems as the sweat remains trapped in the hair thus helping the odor causing bacteria...

Tips To Deal Easily With An Acne Problem

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Acne is a very common problem in the modern times, especially amongst the teenagers, during adolescence. Acne lesions mainly appear on the surface of the skin in the form of blemishes, pimples, spots.Though acne lesions may start appearing during the teens, it may continue into adulthood. Acne generally affects the face and neck, but can extend to upper part of chest, back and shoulders too.Acne can be caused due to several factors like...

Spa treatment at home

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SPA AT HOMEA spa treatment makes you feel new. Create the magic of spa in your bathroom with a few important accessories.Your spa accessoriesBefore you start a spa session at home, you will need a few important things. Check the list against your bathroom. Having a bath tub may require all the things. Find what is ideal for your bathroom and you. * Get some essential oils. Buy the ones you like and need * Buy bath salts or make your...

10 Beauty Tips to Stun the World

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Here are some great beauty tips that will help you look simply gorgeous. So get into the groove and sweep the world off its feet! 1. If you have small upper eyelids, avoid dark eye shadows. It will make your eyes look even smaller. Just a single light shadow (try shimmery silver) applied right up to your brows will do the trick. A very thin black line across the base of your upper lashes will further enhance your eyes. 2. If you have freckled...

Daily Makeup Tips

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* Always remember that while using the cosmetics on a daily basis you should use only quality products. * Therefore choosing the cosmetics is an important step as it is directly related to the skin care and health. * For the purpose of daily makeup usually powder cosmetics are preferred because they not only keep the shine under control but also contain less preservatives and skin irritants as compared to the liquid ones. * In case...

10 Tummy Flattening Tips

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Here's a quick guide you can follow to help flatten your stomach. Print this list out and post it somewhere in your house where you'll see it.1. Walk/jog for 30 minutes at least 3 times per week to boost your metabolism in order to burn that fat.2. Eat a small handful of almonds (at least 6) every morning. Almonds are one of the healthiest snacks you can eat and the protein is good for burning fat.3. Purchase a DVD and do the exercises...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Top 5 Tips for OILY SKIN

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Top 5 Tips for OILY SKIN 1. Cleanse only twice a day. 2. If shine still slips through, use blotting paper to remove excess oil 3. Make sure all your products, including your make-up are oil free. 4. Cut down on fast food. Studies show that the Iodine in fast food can contribute to blemishes on oily skin. 5. If you get painful red pimples, a little lavender oil dabbed on the skin will help reduce inflammation in minutes. In emergencies,...

Causes and Treatment of Wrinkles

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There is one thing that no one can avoid: that is aging. As we grow older, our skin droops and wrinkles start appearing, with furrows and lines. The effect of aging on the skin depends on your skin type.But there are new developments in science and medicine that are available for combating wrinkles and facial distortions.Causes of wrinklesThe effect of the sun can lead to the occurrence of wrinkles on the face. The sun causes the dermis...

How to Get Perfect Eyebrows

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What is the most important feature of your face? It is none other than the eyebrows. This small part of your face actually balances the entire look of the face. They bring the focus to our eyes and they need to be taken care of properly.How do you take care of your brows? For starters, you need to shape them properly. You cannot just go for any shape. You need to know the shape of your face and then shape the brows accordingly.If you have...

10 Beauty Tips to Stun the World

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Here are some great beauty tips that will help you look simply gorgeous. So get into the groove and sweep the world off its feet! 1. If you have small upper eyelids, avoid dark eye shadows. It will make your eyes look even smaller. Just a single light shadow (try shimmery silver) applied right up to your brows will do the trick. A very thin black line across the base of your upper lashes will further enhance your eyes. 2. If you have freckled...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Find The Right Foundation For Your Skin

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As the name itself indicates, foundation is what lends the basic structure to any makeup.Whatever type of makeupyou are going to apply, just remember to apply foundation before you proceed with the other cosmetics.If you’re not keen on spreading it all over your face, at least use some on the cheeks, if you want to get that desired look.Today you get a lot of choice in terms of the types of foundations available, as against the old times...

How to Enhance Your Cleavage

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If you have got it, you should flaunt it. Many times you have seen admired and envied the bust lines and the cleavage of the Hollywood superstars and wondered how come their breasts are so fuller and appealing? However this is no magic.Proper care of the breasts and enhancement is the buzzword today and nothing actually increases femininity than a proper and fuller cleavage. How to get it? Well here are some tips and tricks:Exercise:It...

Friday, August 14, 2009

How to Protect Your Aging Skin

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Aging is an unstoppable process you cannot stop it and also cannot reduce the number of candles on your birth day cake. About this does not mean you have to look aged and haggard.Gracefully aging is a process by which you look much younger and dignified along with aging and it cannot simply be achieved if you neglect your skin and force it to develop wrinkles criss crossing your face. So what’s the way out? Take good care of the skin from...

10 Homemade Acne Treatments

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Acne never picks the right time to rear its ugly head. (Wait, there really isn't a right time, is there?) Most times you just want to start to treat the pimple instead of running out to the store to find an acne treatment.Don't worry if you don't have any spot treatments on hand, just go to your pantry or medicine cabinet, and chances are good you'll find one of these homemade acne treatments so you can use to kick-start the process of...

French Manicure At Home

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There is nothing better than treating yourself to a proffesional manicure or pedicure,but you can save money by doing it yourself at home.These tips will take your nails from ragged to refined in no time.French Manicure:Prepare the nails:Remove old nail polish and file into shape.Soak the nails:Soak the Nails in warm water to soften the cuticles.Prepare the cuticle: Gently push the cuticles back using stick.The first time you do this you...

Get great skin with simple face Packs

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If you are short of time, you can try these simple face packs to get soft and glowing skin.Papaya Face Mask1. Peel a papaya and mash a small amount.2. Apply on face.3. Wait for the mask to dry and wash off.Honey and Yogurt Face Mask1. Take 1 tbsp natural yogurt with 1 tsp runny honey.1. Mix the contents together.2. Apply to face for 15 minutes.3. Wash face with a wet washcloth or remove using wet cotton wool.(You can leave out the yogurt...

Monday, August 10, 2009

How to wax your skin at home

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Every person in this universe likes to make oneself beautiful. From the face to the legs every part of the body needs to be nurtured in order to be perfect. If you had gone to the parlor before, you would have heard the name of waxing. This is a process though which unwanted hairs of the body are removed and it makes the skin feel like a satin cloth. It is very much costly to wax at the parlor. So if you try to wax at home by these simple...

Remove Blackheads

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Blackheads one your nose cannot be removed forever. They keep coming back and you have to remove them every time. It is a very irritating job for sure. However, if you don’t remove those blackheads it looks really odd and your face becomes dull. All your makeup and glow become useless for those blackheads on the nose. However, there are lots of tricks to deal with those ugly spots. You just have to be patient and remove those blackheads...

Tips to Shape Up Your Lips

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Lips are undoubtedly the most sensuous aspect of the face. And while, nearly every other woman uses a lipstick to enhance the beauty of her lips, most of the women still don’t realize that giving your lips the right shape with makeup is the most important part of lip makeup.If you don’t know how to shape up your lips using lip makeup, all your efforts on doing up your lips are a complete waste. Here are some tips to help you in defining...

Tips for Weight Lose

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The summer is at its peak, and even though you love swimming, you haven’t gone swimming even once all through the season, just because you can’t fit into that favorite swimsuit of yours.If you have gained weight and you look ugly in your swimsuit, with your belly fat bulging out, then here’s how you can get back into shape with some minor changes in your diet and by adding in some exercise into your daily routine.The moment most women...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Cellulite treatment 20 Tips

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Summer is no longer the most crucial period in fight against excess weight, as you should think about it earlier.After all, if in winter we were reliably covered with warm clothing, coats and sheepskins, and in spring - blouses and pants, in summer hiding cellulite from the outside world is much more complicated: tops and shorts will show the world places we are trying to hide so desperately.So how to look decent on vacation on the beach...

Best Ways To Quit Smoking

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Today renew your pledge to quit smoking...If you have tried to quit smoking and failed before, take comfort in the fact that most smokers fail several times before quitting successfully.Your past failures are not a lesson that you are unable to quit. Instead, view them as part of the normal journey toward becoming a nonsmoker.Here are 12 techniques that will help you quit the habit.Remember - you can do it!1. Deep Breathing Perhaps The...

Hair Care Treatments

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If you take a closer look at the market for hair care treatments, you are sure to realize that there are tons of them.Shampoos and conditioners of different brands and claims are available. Numerous hair care services are being offered. The radio and television, not to mention the internet are filled with advertisements and propagandas of the many treatments for hair care products out there. The core purpose of these products though are...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Tips to Manage Your Oily Skin

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Are you are fed up with the oily skin that you have? Well – if you are, take heart. You are not the only one, as there are many like you who face the same problem. The good news is that plenty of things can be done to reduce the skin problems and get a clear complexion.The reason for oily skin can never be explained properly. It may be due to your hormones, diet or lifestyle. It may also be in your genes.It is very vital to have a clear...

How to Remove Underarm Hair

Whether or not you wear sleeveless dresses, removing underarm hair is quite important for a number of reasons. Firstly, of course, it isn’t very aesthetically pleasing to see a thick growth of hair under the arms ruining your overall appeal, especially with sleeveless dresses. Apart from the aesthetic point of view, this hair growth causes some other problems as the sweat remains trapped in the hair thus helping the odor causing bacteria...

Best Makeup Tips for Dark Skin Tones

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Makeup exists for nearly all skin types and all skin tones, so even if you’re dark skinned, using makeup to accentuate your beauty should not pose any problems.However, applying makeup on dark skin can be a little tricky, but with these lovely tips here you should be able to fix any of your makeup problems easily.1. The first and the most important rule, is to use all cosmetics in moderation, so as to let the natural beauty of your skin...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How to Cure Cellulite

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Cellulite is a persistent problem among many women. The ripping fat that gets deposited at your bum is called cellulite and is caused by the deposition of the fat cells in the epidermis. Cellulite is strictly genetics and hence whatever you do they are sure to return.In fact there is no permanent cure for cellulite. Often you will see fat people without cellulite and often many thin and slim figured girls have cellulite deposits at their...

How To Treat Acne Well

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Acne has a bad reputation of occurring at the worst time. Nothing can be worse than breaking into acne just the night before your big day.All the days that you have spent preparing for that much-awaited date goes down the drain. You cannot allow acne to rule your life. Time has come when it has become important to tame and treat acne.Acne generally happens till the age of 25 years due to hormonal changes in the body. Moreover, dirt accumulating...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Blackheads & Whiteheads home remedies

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For BlackheadsWho says you need to buy a cream to get rid of blackheads! Here’s how you can say goodbye to them by relying on some basic ingredients from your kitchen.Curds, Lemon & HuskMix sour curd (yogurt), a few drops of lemon juice and wheat husk. Apply and keep for 10-15 minutes. Scrub well before washing off the mix. Do this regularly to get rid of blackheads.Herbal Steam• Steams are an ideal and easy way of deep cleansing your...

Home Remedies for Pimple Scars

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Make a paste of sandalwood powder and rosewater to be left overnight on the scars. Even a paste of sandalwood and black gram paste works wonders in removing acne scars. If you suffer from dark acne scars, you can use lemon juice to remove the scars.Before applying lemon juice, you just have to clean the scars with warm water. Then dab a teaspoon of lemon juice on cotton ball to be applied on the scars. Leave this for ten to fifteen minutes...

Shahnaz Hussain beauty tips

This is the collection of Shahnaz Hussain beauty tips. All these tips are safe and can be tried at homeHome Hair Cleanser: Take a handful each of dried reetha, amla and shikakai. Soak them in one litre water overnight. Next day, simmer the herbs on a low fire till the water reduces by half. Allow the mixture to cool and then strain it with a clean cloth. Use the liquid to wash hair. This quantity should be enough for four to five washes....