Sunday, June 29, 2008

Healthy ways to gain weight

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Healthy Ways to Gain Weight Do you think that you are underweight? Though you eat all the fatty and oily stuff and eat lots of sweets and diary products and drink gallons of whole milk and cream, then also nothing seems to be working for you. You still remain as thin as a hockey stick. Well don’t despair, it is not impossible to put on weight. But remember that you should aim for a healthy weight gain and not just adding body fat. To do so you should know a few things about your body. YourGenes Genetics play an important role...

Fitness & Exercise Tips for Women & Men

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As we age, our bodies lose muscle tissue and our metabolism slows down. Exercise is the best way to get physically fit and lose weight. Starting an exercise regimen at any age is extremely beneficial and can add years to your life.Working out takes discipline and should not be painful. "No pain, no gain" is just a myth and is not good advice to follow. Exercise should make you feel healthy and fit, not looking for the ibuprofen and ice...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Colouring of Hair

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Today colouring hair has become a common fashion and is dominating the fashion world. Some choose hair color for adding more beauty to the hair and some others choose hair color for gray coverage. Hair colouring is one of the quickest and most dramatic way to change your look. Hair colour come in different shades, forms and qualities for different hair textures.Types Of Hair ColoursColours are available today in all forms. Liquid, powder, oil, cream and gel, etc. For permanent colours, gel and other forms are used and for...

Tips for the new bride

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You want to look beautiful, glowing, soft and romantic. Remember, this moment only happens once in a lifetime. Begin with basics. The time between your engagement and your wedding is an ideal time to begin a regular beauty and fitness regimen. Taking the time to exercise, following a simple routine of skin care, good eating practices, and dental checkups. Want to look perfect on your wedding day? Here are few easy tips for the bride. 1. Use waterproof eye makeup. Most brides cry at their weddings. Use a long-lasting lipstick....

Remove And Prevent Whiteheads

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Whiteheads are form of acne and one of the greatest fears of the beauty - a build-up of oils, serum and dead skin that plugs up your pores. Just like the blackheads, the whiteheads can be also seen in both teenagers and adults.Whiteheads can be shortly defined as: tiny, pearly, white raised spots formed in the skin where skin cells clog and close a hair follicle (the reason why they are also called closed comedones ). Many people mistake...

Monday, June 23, 2008


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To rest the eyes, lift them occasionally from close work and look into the distance. Give rest to your tired eyes by applying two thin slices of cucumber as cool compress and relax as you do so. Splash cold water occasionally to eyes to relax them and bring back the sparkle to tired eyes.Prevent the glare of light which has a fatiguing effect on the eyes. Light fixtures in the bedroom should reflect light upwards as well as outwards and not direct on the eyes. Dip gauze. pads in light tea and keep on the tired...

Daily Hair Care Tips

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No matter how beautiful you are, if your hair are rough and brittle you will lose beauty on your contour. Always, keep in mind hair are an essential part of our body and need special attention and care. This includes,cleaning/ shampooingconditioningproper brushingMassaging.SHAMPOOING/CLEANINGThe purpose of shampooing is to remove any dirt or impurities from hair making them clean and tidy. One important aspect is to select a shampoo that...

Easy Homemade Facial Masks & Instant Natural Glow

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It is often seen that skin care products we purchase from the market results in lots of side effects. So it is always better to use either homemade beauty recipes or herbal products for skin care. Facial masks offer the best protection in fighting against skin disorders.Some Useful Homemade Facial Masks for Natural Skin Glow....1. Avocado Facial Mask- Mash half an avocado and apply it on the face thoroughly everywhere and let it stay till it dries up completely and then wash it off with cold water.2. Cucumber Yogurt Facial...

Secrets to glowing skin

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It is the dream of every woman to have a beautiful, fresh and youthful skin. The first step in looking younger begins with what you decide to put into your mouth. Your diet and lifestyle plays a major part in deciding the beauty of your skin. Most people think of a diet as being appropriate only for getting a beautiful figure, however eating the right kind of foods and following a proper diet will put you on the fast track to a healthy body and healthy and glowing skin. The secret to a beautiful, healthy and glowing skin is...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Skin Care tips for the monsoons

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The onset of the monsoon is a welcome relief from the sweltering heat.But don't be surprised if your skin doesn't share your enthusiasm. The bright sweat-inducing sun has now given way to gloomy skies and high levels of humidity.This humidity that spells disaster for our hair also has the potential to wreak havoc on our skin.So before you relegate your sun protection creams to the back of the medicine cabinet, listen to Dr Maithili Kamat,...

Friday, June 13, 2008

Natural Beauty tips

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Keeping your skin fresh and healthy in this era of pollution and dust is really a great challenge. But with proper care and healthy routine, it’s easy to maintain your beauty for long and prevent aging. Some of the effective tips that help your skin to glow and reflect your great personality are:• Protect your skin from harmful ultra violet (UV) rays. UV rays causes skin cancer and also makes your skin to age faster with unsightly wrinkles.• Drink plenty of water (at least 8 glasses a day). It is very essential for good health...

Keep your skin healthy and glowing

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Ayurveda mentions many simple natural ways to maintain healthy and glowing skin, thousands of years ago. The vital force of the body, which is called Ojas is responsible for glow and luster, is depleted by the modern lifestyle we lead. Lack of proper exercise, pollution, irregular eating habits etc. all contribute towards weakening of our energy.Therefore, using these natural ways, one can stay beautiful and charming for a longer period...

Tips on weight loss

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hey my beautiful ladies...just wanted to share this tip with u all of uz:- Ice water is quite filling so if u drink em espcially on summer days it will keep u filled and prevent u from binging a lot on ice creams and other things- during winter we tend to eat a lot, i have realised that drinking green tea regularly cuts on taking one cup of green tea every morning will be quite nice-some people have little buldges on tummies...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Right-Fitting Bras Can Prevent Boob Jobs

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Women who are considering breast reduction surgery to prevent severe back pain can save themselves thousands of pounds - by simply wearing the correct bra size, say researchers.According to medical experts, large breasts can lead to pain in the neck, back and shoulders.A London hospital offering bra checks says until now, none of the women tested has been wearing the correct cup size.Dr Alex Clarke, a clinical psychologist from the Royal...

Tips for dry hair

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• Mix 1 tablespoon Honey and any type of vegetable oil. Distribute mixture evenly all over the hair.• Coat dry hair with mayonnaise, once finished cover with a plastic shower cap and leave on for 10-20 minutes.• Apply olive oil all over your hair. Cover with a plastic bag and let it stay for 20 minutes. For extra conditioning take a warm shower while waiting. The heat will help the oil work to its maximum potential.• Beat one egg, add 3 tablespoons of water and apply to scalpand hai...

Get Rid Of Breast Hair

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Breast hair is not uncommon on women. The thickness of hair will vary in the same way the amount of hair varies from woman to woman on other parts of the body. There are no negative health implications. However if this is a cosmetic problem, then better bid it bye then owning it for life. Here are simple and safe hair removal treatments. Follow them and flaunt your assets in style without any hesitation.There could be many reasons for breast hair growth like congenital cause, imbalance of hormones, pregnancy, irregular menses,...

Natural tips to remove blackheads

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Gals i was searching for natural ways to remove blackheads, so i found this article ,thought to share it with u guys........HoneyWarm some honey and place it on trouble areas for 10 – 15 minutes. Wash off. Honey is a well known and effective method of removing blackheads from the skin.Baking Soda & WaterCombine 3 tablespoons of baking soda with 3 tablespoons of water. Rub this solution on your skin for a few minutes, and rinse with...

Skin cleansing tips from Shahnaz Hussain

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Whether your skin is normal, oily or dry, remember to cleanse the skin at night. This is even more important than washing the face in the morning. The make-up, dirt and pollutants that have collected on the skin must be removed at night, so that when you sleep, your skin can “breathe”.Many of us like soap and water washing, because it has a refreshing effect. But, soap actually has an alkaline effect and makes the skin dry by removing...

Fitness & Exercise Tips for Women & Men

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As we age, our bodies lose muscle tissue and our metabolism slows down. Exercise is the best way to get physically fit and lose weight. Starting an exercise regimen at any age is extremely beneficial and can add years to your life.Working out takes discipline and should not be painful. "No pain, no gain" is just a myth and is not good advice to follow. Exercise should make you feel healthy and fit, not looking for the ibuprofen and ice...

Tips for flawless skin

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•Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.• Cut beet root into small pieces and grind them. Squeeze juice from beet root and massage to your face for 5 minutes. Shower after 10 minutes with mild soap or gram flour.• Mix sandalwood powder with rose water and add 4 to 5 drops of milk in it and apply on to your face and body. Shower after 15 minutes with warm water.• Mix honey in water and drink daily in the morning to keep your skin shiny...

Best Make up tips

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Make-up timelineTo ensure your eyes stay healthy and free of infection when using make-up, heed the following due-date rules. Throw out your mascara after three months, powder eye shadows every nine to 18 months, and cream eye shadows every six to 12 months. Sharpen your eyeliners often to keep them clean. Mascara mistakes To avoid mascara flake-off or smudging on your face, apply a thin cost of mascara to top lashes only. Then run an eyelash brush through lashes to prevent clumpy mascara build-up. Get a rosy glow Want your...

How to get Beautiful Hands

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Dry your hands thoroughly after any contact with water.Warm a cup of whole milk and soak your hands to strengthen nails and hydrate skin. Not only is milk loaded with lactic acid (a natural exfoliant), but it also has a high calcium content to help strengthen fragile nails Once a week sleep with rich moisturizer coating your hands. Warm the moisturizer, apply it to your hands, cover them with cotton gloves, and turn in for the night.Combine one teaspoon olive oil with the contents of one vitamin E capsule and one teaspoon...

Eye Care Tips

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Melting eye shadow is a problem for many women, but there is a way to make it "stick" a little longer.If you use a damp eye shadow brush and apply a layer of face powder to your lids and allow to set, the shadow will stay in place for the day.Takes an extra second or so but the effort is well worth it.Beauty Tips For EyebrowsYour eyebrows add strength and definition to your face. Well groomed eyebrows enhance your beauty.You should pluck eyebrows before bedtime so any redness will disappear overnight. In shaping your eyebrows...