Sunday, June 29, 2008

Healthy ways to gain weight

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Healthy Ways to Gain Weight
Do you think that you are underweight? Though you eat all the fatty and oily stuff and eat lots of sweets and diary products and drink gallons of whole milk and cream, then also nothing seems to be working for you. You still remain as thin as a hockey stick. Well don’t despair, it is not impossible to put on weight. But remember that you should aim for a healthy weight gain and not just adding body fat. To do so you should know a few things about your body.
Genetics play an important role in shaping your body. And this is hereditary, which means that if your parents are thin then there are chances that you will have a similar body type and you can work out how your body might change with age. Secondly your lifestyle also plays an important role in your shape. If your life steams along at a frenetic pace, you don't eat regular meals, you're unlikely to put on weight easily. If you are a fidgeter and it is impossible for you to relax, then you will face this problem. People who fidget constantly can burn up to 700 calories a day - that's about two whole chocolate bars!
Your Diet
The main thing about putting on weight is that you do it sensibly and that you put on the 'right kind' of weight: muscle rather than fat. Thus if you want to put on weight you need to you need to take in more calories than you burn up. The best source of calories is from carbohydrates - you should try to get at least 70% of your calorie intake from carbohydrates such as potatoes, rice and pasta. Up to 15% of calories should come from protein and the rest from fat.
• Keep a food diary for a couple of weeks to learn more about your eating habits.
• Rather than struggle to eat really big meals plan 3 regular meals plus 2 to 3 snacks.
• Make meals a little larger or more calorific, for example, an extra slice of toast at breakfast; drink grape juice rather than orange juice; make coffee with milk; serve an extra spoon of mash, rice or pasta; be more generous with healthier unsaturated oils, salad dressing and spreads; always have a dessert.
• Have snacks to hand so you never go short. For example, nuts, seeds and raisins; pots of rice pudding, custard or yoghurt; cereal or cereal bars; milk or yoghurt, wheatmeal biscuits; cheese and crackers; fruit plus small chocolate bar.
• Stop drinking non-caloric beverages. That includes diet soda, and plain coffee or tea. Choose skim or 1 percent milk (we want healthy calories, not fat, so avoid milk with higher fat contents), 100 percent fruit juice or sports drinks.
• Make it a habit to routinely choose foods that are higher in calories. Each meal should include some type of starchy food (potato, rice, pasta, bread, cereal), fruits and vegetables, and a protein source (chicken, red meat, fish, peanut butter, legumes, eggs, cheese).
Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise and activity will help your body gain muscle and not unwanted fat. To gain weight in a healthy way, keep bones strong and your body toned. Ensure regular physical activity for 30 minutes, 5 days a week. You can go in for brisk walking, swimming, cycling or join a gym. Take care not to be too active. If you are someone who is always on their feet, make time each day to relax. Remember that you need to consume more calories than you can burn up. As always, check with your GP first if you haven't exercised for a long time.
NOTE: This information is designed to help people who are otherwise healthy, and would like to put on a little weight. If you have recently lost weight for no apparent reason you should always see your GP for advice, as this could signal an underlying medical condition. If you have to follow a special diet to help treat an existing condition, then this information is not for you.

Fitness & Exercise Tips for Women & Men

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As we age, our bodies lose muscle tissue and our metabolism slows down. Exercise is the best way to get physically fit and lose weight. Starting an exercise regimen at any age is extremely beneficial and can add years to your life.

Working out takes discipline and should not be painful. "No pain, no gain" is just a myth and is not good advice to follow. Exercise should make you feel healthy and fit, not looking for the ibuprofen and ice packs.

Experts advise that 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity at least three times a week is beneficial for both men and women. Select the best plan that is favorable to your lifestyle, whether it is at home or a fitness club.

Opt for a form of exercise you will enjoy the most and start out slowly, increasing your activity and work out-time gradually. Consider adding basic weight training to build muscles, burn calories and control body fat.

Aerobic Activity Training


Brisk walking



Jump Rope





For beginners, try increasing personal fitness in your everyday life by walking more, doing some yard work, painting, and parking your car further from your destination. Not only will you have the satisfaction of getting things done, you'll enjoy the benefits of being physically fit.

You don't need to lump your exercise all in one session. Try it in 10 minute increments if this is easier for you and as time allows. While there's no plan or guarantee for everyone, get started and find out what works for you.

Consult your physician before starting any exercise routine and understand that diet and nutrition will play a big factor in your overall results.

Fitness & Exercise Tips

Get busy at home. Clean your house more frequently, do more gardening and yard work.

Walking is one of the most popular forms of exercise, and for a reason. It's easy to do and comes naturally.

Begin exercising at least 20 minutes a day. Start slow.

Take it one day at a time, with realistic goals.

You don't need to invest in fancy fitness equipment. Buy yourself a $5 ab-roller, this is very easy to travel with.

Treadmills and exercise bikes are great aerobic activity tools for cold months indoors.

Add entertainment such as music or tv to your indoor activity.

The more muscle you gain, the higher your metabolism.

Get family and friends to exercise with you.

Take multi-vitamins.

Don't allow yourself to watch your favorite TV show unless you do it on a treadmill or exercise bike.

Add hand weights gradually to your routine.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Colouring of Hair

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Today colouring hair has become a common fashion and is dominating the fashion world. Some choose hair color for adding more beauty to the hair and some others choose hair color for gray coverage. Hair colouring is one of the quickest and most dramatic way to change your look. Hair colour come in different shades, forms and qualities for different hair textures.

Types Of Hair Colours

Colours are available today in all forms. Liquid, powder, oil, cream and gel, etc. For permanent colours, gel and other forms are used and for temporary and semi-permanent colours, hair mascaras, crayons and colour hair-sprays are usually used.

Hair Length

Expense increases in proportion to the length of hair. Shorter haircuts or medium hair cuts, look more attractive with hair colours.

Techniques Of Hair Colour

Highlighting, streaking, frosting, finger-painting etc are different techniques of colouring but teens today prefer highlighting and streaking.

Trendy Shades

Red and brown are the common trendy shades. Experts suggest that brown and golden are best for wheatish skin tones whereas reddish or purple shades are most suited for fair skinned people.

Tips for the Coloured Hair


Avoid direct bright sunlight, but little amount of sunrays accentuates the red tones.

Shampoos must have the same low pH level. Preference to special colour shampoo

Use hair conditioner after swimming to avoid dryness of hair.

Tips for the new bride

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You want to look beautiful, glowing, soft and romantic. Remember, this moment only happens once in a lifetime. Begin with basics. The time between your engagement and your wedding is an ideal time to begin a regular beauty and fitness regimen. Taking the time to exercise, following a simple routine of skin care, good eating practices, and dental checkups.

Want to look perfect on your wedding day? Here are few easy tips for the bride.

1. Use waterproof eye makeup. Most brides cry at their weddings. Use a long-lasting lipstick. Get someone maybe your friend, sister or your mother to keep an eye on you if you need a touch up. Remember all eyes are on the new bride

2. You cannot be decked out all the time. Pack a few easy care smart outfits to wear

3. In your purse keep a few essentials, compact powder, lipstick for touchups, tissues, small hair brush to keep you looking fresh though the social gatherings

4. A bride should look happy fresh, so take along few good small pieces of jewelry to wear during the day. Keep the heavy stuff for formal occasions

5. You are moving to new home, or leaving to holiday destinations pack your favorite toiletries, make up, hair straightner, anything you will need to look beautiful and radiant

Remove And Prevent Whiteheads

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Remove And Prevent Whiteheads

Whiteheads are form of acne and one of the greatest fears of the beauty - a build-up of oils, serum and dead skin that plugs up your pores. Just like the blackheads, the whiteheads can be also seen in both teenagers and adults.
Whiteheads can be shortly defined as: tiny, pearly, white raised spots formed in the skin where skin cells clog and close a hair follicle (the reason why they are also called closed comedones ). Many people mistake whiteheads for pimples as they both look alike but there is a difference because whiteheads should be removed very carefully.
The exact cause of whiteheads isn’t still known for sure but most of the dermatologists suggest that the whiteheads are caused by the accumulation of hardened sebum (oil) in the pores of the skin. If the skin pore closes up then the bacteria will remain under the skin - it will begin to grow and after a few days a whitehead will be formed.
Whiteheads usually occur on different parts of the face, most commonly around the eyes and on the cheeks. Most of the people also get whiteheads on the chest, neck and forehead. Whiteheads are often accompanied with blackheads, pimples and acne.

You should never try to remove whiteheads alone at home, never! You should know that whiteheads are different from pimples or blackheads. If you try to squeeze the whitehead you may easily break the skin which will result in permanent, reddish scar.
The best way to prevent the formation of whiteheads is to follow a strict skin care regimen, as follows:

* Clean your face at least twice a day with skincare products that are appropriate for your skin type. Use a facial cleanser that contain salicylic acid or alpha hydroxyl acids as there ingredients help in unclogging the pores.

* Exfoliate your skin regularly - twice or three times a week. Apply the exfoliating products all over your face, using light, circular motions concentration on the problem areas of the face???? forehead, nose and cheeks. Try to find a gentle exfoliator with small particles???? it will encourage newer, smoother and healthier skin cells to grow, helping to unclog the pores.

* Even if your skin is oily or mixed you should never forget to apply a moisturizer or a hydrating cream.

* Once a week steam your face for a few minutes to cleanse your skin in deep. Steaming is very important to loosen debris that may be embedded into the skin. When steaming the face you wide the clogged pores and soften the skin in order to cleanse more easily the impurities, the traces of makeup, the dust, the sebaceous secretions as well as the dead skin cells.

* You can also use a comedone remover (a comedone extractor ) tool - a handy device to help keep pores free of blackheads and blemishes. It will remove all clogged dark bumps with trapped sebum, bacteria and excess oils dislodging pore blockages leaving skin clear and smooth. This tool should be used immediately after steaming the face.

If you have just a small number of whiteheads don’t do anything - leave them the way they are because sometimes whiteheads go away by themselves in a few days.
You should never try to squeeze the whitehead alone; you had better go to the nearest beauty parlor and consult a beautician or a dermatologist.
The cosmetologists are trained to remove whiteheads and the other forms of acne flawlessly. They use special methods and tools to extract the whiteheads without a risk of skin infections and scarring.

* The first thing the cosmetologist will do is to steam your face - to widen the clogged pores and to soften the skin in order to cleanse more easily the impurities. After steaming it will be more easily to remove the comedones /blackheads, whiteheads/ and the little pimples.

* Then she / he will use a sterilized needle to gently prick the tip of the whitehead with the needle. A gentle pressure will be needed to ease out the pus. Basically this is to most common way used by the dermatologist and the beauticians to remove the whiteheads. The method resembles the way a pimple is popped but a higher degree of attention is needed.

Useful Tips:

* Remember: whiteheads should be extracted by an experienced esthetician or dermatologist.
* To prevent whiteheads from forming in the first place, you should use a mild facial cleanser that is oil-free and wash your face at least twice a day.
* Never squeeze or pick at a pimple as doing so may spread the inflammation and leave an ugly red scar behind.
* Use a face cream or moisturizer containing salicylic acid.
* Always look for antibacterial skin care and cosmetic products.
* Use skin care products with benzyl peroxide, salicylic acid or AHAs.
* It’s essential to keep your skin clean all the time in order to prevent the formation of whiteheads.
* Drink plenty of water to keep your skin and body hydrated and to remove the toxins from your skin.
* Always apply a toner after cleansing your face in the morning and in the evening to close the pores.
* Remember: there is a difference between a blackhead and a whitehead, blackheads are partly blocked pores and the fully blocked pores are called whiteheads.
* Never try to remove whiteheads at home - this may lead to serious skin infections and permanent scarring.
* Remember: usually the whiteheads go away by themselves in a few days.
* Never forget to remove your makeup in the evening; otherwise this may clog the pores resulting in blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and rash appearance.
* Never use harsh facial cleansers, soaps or lotions.
* Always look for noncomedogenic and nonacnegenic skin care and makeup products.
* Like the blackheads, the whiteheads can be seen on the areas around the face, especially around the nose, eyes, cheeks and forehead.
* Never use oil-based makeup precuts as they may contribute to the buildup of oil in the follicles.
* Always apply moisturizer after washing your face.
* Don’t forget to exfoliate your skin once or twice a week with a mild exfoliator to remove the dead skin cells.
* Remember: the appearance of your skin is influenced mainly by your skin care routine.
* Always wear a sunscreen or sunblock with SPF at least 15, even during the winter months to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
* Avoid touching your face with dirty hands - you can transform bacteria and cause inflammation.
* Remember: the best way to prevent whiteheads is to keep your skin clean and well moisturized all the time.
* Regular facials can help prevent whiteheads because they will keep your pores clean.
* Do a cleansing face mask once or twice a week.

Monday, June 23, 2008


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To rest the eyes, lift them occasionally from close work and look into the distance.
Give rest to your tired eyes by applying two thin slices of cucumber as cool compress and relax as you do so.

Splash cold water occasionally to eyes to relax them and bring back the sparkle to tired eyes.
Prevent the glare of light which has a fatiguing effect on the eyes. Light fixtures in the bedroom should reflect light upwards as well as outwards and not direct on the eyes.
Dip gauze. pads in light tea and keep on the tired eye for 15 minutes.
To fade away -dark circles below the eyes, make paste of three almond kernels and milk. Apply this paste: and leave till it dries.
When applying cream or make up around the eyes use the ring finger (as it exerts less pressure).
Dark shadows and tiny lines under the eyes can be disguised by applying a light coloured foundation under them and smoothening them.
To remove puffiness under the eyes, use raw potato paste sandwiched between two thin pieces, of (for each eye) and keep on the eyes for 20 minute.

If your eyes are on the smaller side, open the using subtle grey, beige or brown shades of shadow, using a darker shade on the crease of the lid.
Apply a pale shade of eye shadow on the lid and deeper shade below the brow for deepest eyes.

When applying mascara, brush with an outward sweep to the underside of the top lashes and allow it to dry before giving a second coat. After this, use a small comb or a small brush to separate them.
Remove mascara from the eyes by rubbing a little moisturizer on the lashes or by dipping a bit of cotton wool in hot water and wiping them. Or place a roll of cotton wool under the top lashes and wipe from above with another piece of damp cotton wool.

If your brows are thick, pluck hair from inner corners with a pair of clean tweezers and pluck from the middle to make an upward arch and let the brow end in a thin line.
Before you start plucking the hair from the brows, draw the sort of eyebrows you have in mind with an eyebrow pencil and pluck from beneath.
When tweezing hair from the eyebrow, pull in the direction of the hair growth with a quick flick of the hand.
Never pluck from above the brow or the re-growth will give a greenish appearance.

For a long face, give the brows a shape by extending them past the outer corners of the eyes to give the illusion of width.

For a square face, pluck above the inner eye-corners curving gently out.

For a round face pluck hair giving a straightest arch.

If the eyes are deepest, pluck the hair from under the brows to give the illusion of large eyes.

Simple everyday eye exercises

  • After every hour before a computer screen, close your eyes gently for 30 seconds to relax them.

  • Yoga experts recommend you to rotate your eyes often to relax muscles. Move your eyeballs from extreme left corner to the right corner.

  • Hold a pencil at arm's length and slowly bring it towards your nose, keeping eyes focused at all times. This helps prevent blurred vision.

When to see a doctor

  • If you have persisting headaches see a doctor and well light your work area and correct your reading/writing posture. · If you have sties often, they may indicate refractive error.

  • If you squint every time you read a book or watch television.

  • If you have dryness of the eyes, check out if it's due to antihistamines, decongestants, diuretics, muscle relaxants, tranquilizers that you may have taken.

  • If you plan to take oral contraceptives they may decrease tolerance of the eye.

  • Even if you have no complaints it's important to see a doctor and have a routine eye check up.

Don'ts of eye care

  • Don't wear contact lenses for extended periods of time or overnight as this leads to complication.

  • Don't rub eyes frequently as this can cause an eye infection as few of us bother to wash our hands before touching our eyes.

  • When you splash water do not do this furiously believing doing this will take away tiredness instead wash gently as splashing may hurtle the smallest dust particles or an allergen which may minutely damage the cornea.

  • Use disposable tissues instead of handkerchiefs to wipe eyes, as they are more hygienic.

  • Don't sit near than 15 feet from the television and keep your book at least two feet away for stronger eye muscles.

  • Use cream based eye makeup as powdery eye shadows can enter eyes and, cause irritation. Be very gentle in case you wear lenses.

  • Avoid using aerosol products like hairspray if you wear lenses.

  • Don't use your mascara for more than a year.


Daily Hair Care Tips

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Daily Hair Care Tips

No matter how beautiful you are, if your hair are rough and brittle you will lose beauty on your contour. Always, keep in mind hair are an essential part of our body and need special attention and care. This includes,
  • cleaning/ shampooing
  • conditioning
  • proper brushing
  • Massaging.


The purpose of shampooing is to remove any dirt or impurities from hair making them clean and tidy. One important aspect is to select a shampoo that suits your hair type. A wrong product may have detrimental effect on your hair.

HOW TO SHAMPOO? Moisten your hair using lukewarm water; never use too hot or too cold water. Even hard water is not recommended, it will tangle the hairs. Now, put some shampoo on your palm, rub and apply on your scalp. Using your fingers, massage on your scalp. Never use your nails, It can injure your scalp and damage the hair roots. Now progress to the hair ends, so that any impurities can be completely removed. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Repeat the procedure if required.

Conditioning is an important aspect of routine hair care. Nearly all hair types require conditioning at least to some extent. It contributes to hair care by,
  • Adding volume to hairs, as they coat the hair shafts.
  • Helping to untangle the hairs, thus preventing their breakage.
  • Deep conditioners add to the natural oil supply and gives dry hair, shine as well as bounce and strength.
  • Creamy conditioners make the hair shinning and soft.
  • Helps to correct the effects of poor hair care.

Brushing hairs help us in several ways,
  • Help us to untangle hairs;
  • Prevents hair breakage and split ends;
  • Helps in keeping hair naturally moisturized as this transfer natural skin oil from the roots to the tips of the hair.
To help your hair grow healthy and shiny, you should brush your hair every day with careful gentle strokes that decrease the friction and smooth the hair scales. Harsh and improper brushing cannot only hurt the scalp but can also lead to breakage and falling hair. Use only brushes that have good quality material, these are very gentle on the scalp and rarely cause tangles. Brush from the nape of the neck to the head then all the way to the ends of the hair strands. Repeat this in the hairline areas.
Another reminder is to never brush your hair when it is wet. Use comb, a large-tooth comb to manage the hair when you have just finished showering.When combing, it is good to separate the hair in several sections. Work from the roots downward. Be careful not to scrape the comb on the scalp as this can lead to irritation and sometimes wounds.

MASSAGING Massaging the scalp helps keep your hair healthy and can also promote hair growth. Just as body massage relaxes you and is one of the most effective ways to ease your tension and pain, massaging your scalp is also beneficial because it is extremely relaxing, calming, and helps relieve headaches and migraines. It stimulates the blood flow thereby nourishing the hair follicles, which in turn prevents and fights avoidable hair loss, and re-establishes the natural development of healthy hair.

Easy Homemade Facial Masks & Instant Natural Glow

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It is often seen that skin care products we purchase from the market results in lots of side effects. So it is always better to use either homemade beauty recipes or herbal products for skin care. Facial masks offer the best protection in fighting against skin disorders.Some Useful Homemade Facial Masks for Natural Skin Glow....

1. Avocado Facial Mask- Mash half an avocado and apply it on the face thoroughly everywhere and let it stay till it dries up completely and then wash it off with cold water.

2. Cucumber Yogurt Facial Mask- Make a puree of ½ a cucumber and 1 tablespoon yogurt in a blender and apply it on the face evenly. Leave it on the face for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.

3. Banana Honey Yogurt Facial Mask- Mash a banana thoroughly and mix it with 1 teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoons yogurt and apply it on the face evenly. Leave it on the face till the skin absorbs.

4. Egg Almond Facial Mask- This is very good for dry skin. Beat 1 egg and add 1 teaspoon of almond oil to it and mix it thoroughly and apply it on the face evenly and leave it on for around 10-15 minutes. Rinse it off after that with cold water.

5. Cornmeal Facial Mask- Take enough cornmeal which will be required for the face and mix it water and make a thick tight paste and apply it in circular motions to the face and then leave it on for 10-15 minutes.

Secrets to glowing skin

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It is the dream of every woman to have a beautiful, fresh and youthful skin. The first step in looking younger begins with what you decide to put into your mouth. Your diet and lifestyle plays a major part in deciding the beauty of your skin. Most people think of a diet as being appropriate only for getting a beautiful figure, however eating the right kind of foods and following a proper diet will put you on the fast track to a healthy body and healthy and glowing skin. The secret to a beautiful, healthy and glowing skin is FRUITS. Include plenty of fruits in your diet and you will see the difference within a week. Fruit is essential for both inner and outer beauty since it enhances the beauty of your skin and hair.

What makes fruit so wonderful is that it is rich in skin and hair enhancing vitamins, acids, and enzymes. Fruit can be used in just about every beauty product to cleanse, freshen, tone, and condition our bodies.

Find out the characteristics of the following fruits and what wonders they can do to your skin:

Apples: Apples can used as great conditioner and toner. They have been used for centuries for their skin-healing powers. Add a cup of apple juice to your bath to cleanse and soften your skin. The juice of apple can be used as breathe freshener. Apple juice when applied to your hair scalp can prevent dandruff. Use as a final rinse after shampooing your hair.

Lemons: A classic home beauty ingredient, lemons are used to cleanse and freshen the skin and hair. Use lemon slices to soften rough skin spots such as elbows and heels. Lemon slices also help deodorize and mix a few teaspoons of lemon juice in your bath and you will feel fresh the whole day. Lemon juice can be added to your favourite cleanser or shampoo to refresh and tone your scalp. It also helps prevent dandruff.

Strawberry: Strawberry can be used for conditioning and skin toning treatment. They are rich in salicylic acid an ingredient found in many commercial acne creams and thus are the best treatment for troubled or teenage skin. Mix 1/2-cup fresh strawberries with a tablespoon of sour cream for a weekly facial mask. Eating fresh berries will also help whiten your teeth and keep your breath fresh.

Banana: Banana can be used for moisturising and soothing your skin and hair. They are rich in protein and natural fats and can be used by all skin types. An easy facemask that will make your skin smooth is to apply mashed banana over your skin and keep it for 15 minutes, rinse off with warm water and moisturize well. Mashed banana also makes a wonderful hair conditioner mixed with a teaspoon or two of honey.

Pineapple: Like papaya pineapples are also good skin softeners, which cleanse and rejuvenate dull and dry skin, especially for classic rough skin spots like knees, elbows, and heels. Use a slice of pineapple as you would a sponge or loofah to scrub your body in the bath or shower.

Papaya: Papaya is rich in natural enzymes and is the best treatment for cleansing your skin. For having a fresh and glowing skin apply the oaste of mashed papaya and 3 teaspoons of aloe vera gel and massage all over your body monthly. Leave on your skin for no more than five minutes and rinse thoroughly. Do not use on your face and avoid sensitive skin areas.

Peaches: Peaches are best for soothing and cleansing dry skin. Mash a fresh peach and combine with a tablespoon of plain yogurt to make a smooth paste. Apply on the skin and keep it for 15 mins and then wash off with cold water.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Skin Care tips for the monsoons

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Skin Care tips for the monsoons

The onset of the monsoon is a welcome relief from the sweltering heat.

But don't be surprised if your skin doesn't share your enthusiasm. The bright sweat-inducing sun has now given way to gloomy skies and high levels of humidity.

This humidity that spells disaster for our hair also has the potential to wreak havoc on our skin.

So before you relegate your sun protection creams to the back of the medicine cabinet, listen to Dr Maithili Kamat, Associate Medical Coordinator, Kaya Skin Clinic. Here is a list of what you need to watch out for.

Fungal infections

One of the main concerns this season is our tendency to develop fungal infections in our body folds.

This is mainly due to wet clothes and shoes. The danger-prone areas are the armpits, groin and the area between our toes.

One way to take care of this is to use an anti-fungal soap such as Savlon for bathing. However, this may cause excessive dryness so restrict its use to the fold areas only.

After bathing, apply anti-fungal powder on your feet. Clotrimazole, which is available at any medical store, is very effective.

Dr Kamat however cautions against over-the-counter applications. "When it comes to our skin, it is advisable to have it examined by a specialist, who can then prescribe a treatment customised to suit our needs. Those medications that are available over-the-counter have low potency and provide very little benefit," she says.

No sweat

The atmospheric also humidity causes our skin to sweat and attracts dirt and pollutants more easily. When you step indoors, always clean your face to wash away the grime and dirt.

During the day, it may not be possible to splash some water or maintain a cleansing practice. To avoid accumulation of sweat and dust particles, use wet wipes.

Grandma's home remedies

Sometimes our kitchen is the best source for soothing any skin ailments/itching felt on facial skin.

Sun damaged skin

Apply a mixture of equal quantities of cucumber and potato juice. Both these ingredients contain properties that soothe the skin. They also work as natural bleaching agents.

Very dry/very oily skin

During the monsoon, our skin gets wet more often than usual. Different types of skin react to this problem differently.

Skin can either become very dry and prone to acne or it can become very oily and attract dirt and pollutants.

Those with acne-prone skins should opt for a water-based moisturiser. If our skin is dry yet pimple-free, then an oil-based moisturiser is better suited.

Oily skin

Dr Kamat endorses grandma's age-old recipe of chane ka atta and raw milk/ cream.

Apply a paste of the above ingredients, leave for 15 minutes and wash with cold water.

Dry skin

In one cup of rosewater, add two teaspoons of glycerine and rub all over your skin. These ingredients contain properties that soften the skin and leave it smooth to touch.

A daily regime

It is possible to enjoy healthy, glowing derma without a high-maintenance routine. Here are some rules that we need to adhere to.

i. Cleanse your skin

Washing the impurities away from our skin allows it to breathe.

"To protect the skin's natural oils, avoid anti-fungal and perfumed soaps. Instead use a non-soapy cleanser that ensures deep pore cleansing," recommends Dr Kamat.


This helps to tighten the pores and prevent pimples. "A non-alcoholic toner incorporated into your basic cleansing regime every morning and before going to bed will prevent skin infections and eruptions," says Dr Kamat.

iii. Moisturise

People who spend a lot of their time in an air-conditioned environment need to keep their skin moisturised.

However, those with oily skin should do so only twice every day. Their skin's natural oils will keep it hydrated.

iv. Don't rub your face while drying it

The facial skin is very delicate so rubbing it with a towel can cause hyper-pigmentation. Gently pat it dry avoiding any kind of friction.

v. Don't step out without sunscreen protection

As long as there is daylight, our skin needs protection from UVA and UVB rays. Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before you step out and re-apply every three to four hours.

So although the sky may carry a gloomy cast, you can brush off your skin woes and guarantee beautiful, glowing skin.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Natural Beauty tips

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Keeping your skin fresh and healthy in this era of pollution and dust is really a great challenge. But with proper care and healthy routine, it’s easy to maintain your beauty for long and prevent aging. Some of the effective tips that help your skin to glow and reflect your great personality are:

• Protect your skin from harmful ultra violet (UV) rays. UV rays causes skin cancer and also makes your skin to age faster with unsightly wrinkles.

• Drink plenty of water (at least 8 glasses a day). It is very essential for good health which in turns leads to healthy skin.

• Keep your skin clean. Use a soft warm cloth. Skin does not require scrubbing.

• Take a well balanced diet. Include lots of fruits and vegetables. Improper eating habits can cause depression, weight gain, illness and an overall lethargy.

• Maintain a proper weight because weight gain causes your skin to stretch and as you get older, it loses its elasticity and you're left with sagging skin.

• Do physical activities for at least 30 minutes per day. Or 30 minutes of vigorous aerobics, or 12 minutes of weight lifting and 18 minutes of walking.

• Always try to be happy and relax. Talk to your friends, family or anyone you like and be in a happy mood.

• Take a good sleep of minimum eight hours. Avoid sitting a lot in front of computers, laptops or television. It makes you tired and may affect your health.

Keep your skin healthy and glowing

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Keep your skin healthy and glowing

Ayurveda mentions many simple natural ways to maintain healthy and glowing skin, thousands of years ago. The vital force of the body, which is called Ojas is responsible for glow and luster, is depleted by the modern lifestyle we lead. Lack of proper exercise, pollution, irregular eating habits etc. all contribute towards weakening of our energy.

Therefore, using these natural ways, one can stay beautiful and charming for a longer period without having to suffer the side effects of the chemicals. Below are some simple natural ways that you can use in your daily life.

Mix equal quantities of cucumber juice, rose water and limejuice. Apply it to the face (after washing) overnight, and wash it in the morning. It clears the complexion of the skin and keeps it healthy.

Take 50 ml. of raw (not boiled) milk, and mix a pinch of salt and two teaspoonful of limejuice in it. Use it as a cleansing lotion. It helps to clean the deep pores of skin.

Take 50 ml. of tomato juice, and mix some one teaspoonful of lemon juice in it. Apply this mixture to the face. It helps to make the skin soft and glowing.

Take equal quantities of turmeric powder and wheat flour, and make paste with sesame oil. Apply it to the face. It helps to remove the unwanted hair of the face.

Take some juice of orange, and apply it to the face with the help of a cotton piece. It makes the skin smooth and soft.

Take 30 ml. of cabbage juice and mix one teaspoonful of honey in it. This mixture, if applied regularly to the face, helps to keep the wrinkles away.

Make a paste of raw carrots, and apply it to the face. Wash it after one hour and experience a wonderful glowing skin.

Mix equal quantities of cucumber juice, lemon juice and rose water. Applying this lotion to the face makes the face glowing.

Mix equal quantities of limejuice, glycerin and rose water. This lotion if applied to the face regularly at bedtime is very useful to remove the pimples, blackheads and other blemishes. It makes the skin soft, and can be applied to other parts (hands, feet etc.)

Tips on weight loss

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tips on weight loss

hey my beautiful ladies...just wanted to share this tip with u all of uz:
- Ice water is quite filling so if u drink em espcially on summer days it will keep u filled and prevent u from binging a lot on ice creams and other things
- during winter we tend to eat a lot, i have realised that drinking green tea regularly cuts on taking one cup of green tea every morning will be quite nice
-some people have little buldges on tummies (like myself)...thru experience, walking reduces fats from ur tummy and keeps it nice and trim...20mins of walk is the best exercise...its easy, refreshing and energising

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Right-Fitting Bras Can Prevent Boob Jobs

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Right-Fitting Bras Can Prevent Boob Jobs

Women who are considering breast reduction surgery to prevent severe back pain can save themselves thousands of pounds - by simply wearing the correct bra size, say researchers.

According to medical experts, large breasts can lead to pain in the neck, back and shoulders.

A London hospital offering bra checks says until now, none of the women tested has been wearing the correct cup size.

Dr Alex Clarke, a clinical psychologist from the Royal Free Hospital in London, said that going for breast operations could be money wasted, when all that was really needed was a better-fitting bra.

"Women have the opportunity to be properly fitted by an expert bra fitter when they visit the clinic. This may be the first proper fitting they have had," BBC quoted her, as saying.

"To date, 100 percent of those fitted have been wearing the wrong size - this results in the weight of the breasts being carried by the shoulders rather than the chest and contributes to back pain," she added.

Professor Kefah Mokbel, a consultant breast surgeon at St George's Hospital in London, agreed with Dr Clarke.

"Research suggests that women tend to underestimate the size of their back by up to four inches, and overestimate their cup size by up to three sizes. Many breast symptoms related to discomfort in the neck and back are caused by ill-fitting bras," Mokbel said.

"However, many patients could be spared what is in fact major surgery by having a bra which is correctly fitted and offering them the right support," Mokbel added

Tips for dry hair

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• Mix 1 tablespoon Honey and any type of vegetable oil. Distribute mixture evenly all over the hair.

• Coat dry hair with mayonnaise, once finished cover with a plastic shower cap and leave on for 10-20 minutes.

• Apply olive oil all over your hair. Cover with a plastic bag and let it stay for 20 minutes. For extra conditioning take a warm shower while waiting. The heat will help the oil work to its maximum potential.

• Beat one egg, add 3 tablespoons of water and apply to scalp
and hair.

Get Rid Of Breast Hair

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Breast hair is not uncommon on women. The thickness of hair will vary in the same way the amount of hair varies from woman to woman on other parts of the body. There are no negative health implications. However if this is a cosmetic problem, then better bid it bye then owning it for life. Here are simple and safe hair removal treatments. Follow them and flaunt your assets in style without any hesitation.

There could be many reasons for breast hair growth like congenital cause, imbalance of hormones, pregnancy, irregular menses, mental tensions…etc. However if the hair on chest seems to be very abnormal and spreads all over the chest then consult the doctor immediately as you may be suffering from Hypertrichosis. Hypertrichosis, congenital generalized Hypertrichosis or werewolf syndrome is a medical term referring to a condition of excessive body hair.

Breast Hair Treatment

* Bleaching: If the thickness of the hair is very light, then bleach the area with the bleach that has hydrogen peroxide. Women with darker skin, should avoid bleaching the area as it makes the hair more visible than before.
* Plucking : stray hair can be easily trimmed or plucked. Most women follow this method as it is less painful and the hair grows after two-three weeks. Experts suggest to have a hot shower before tweezing the hair, as the open pores will make the removal faster and less painful. However remember plucking out a hair by the root through tweezing can lead to an infection of the hair shaft and curling of the hair into the skin. Before using tweezers, apply cold cream to soften the roots of the hair. This temporary method is easy however this will not prove to end the misery forever.
* Waxing : waxing the chest area can be very painful and may lead to red blemishes. Although it lessens the growth of the hair, avoid this method to safeguard your tender skin beneath.
* Shaving or threading : this method is a momentary solution to the problem. However the aftereffect seems to be more miserable, as the hair grows more faster and thicker.
* Electrolysis or laser destruction: To get rid of hair on the chest forever, go for permanent removal by electrolysis or laser destruction of hair follicles. You may not get rid of it with just one session. Experts state that the number of sessions depends on various parameters, including the area of the body treated, coarseness of hair, skin color and gender. In general, it is necessary to foresee between 3 - 8 treatment sessions. It is easiest to treat coarse dark hair on light skin. Finer hair and hair on darker skin is harder to treat and may require more treatments to achieve desired results. Electrolysis is a safer method than laser hair removal. Risks include the chance of burning the skin or discoloring dark skin with the laser, hypopigmentation (white spots) and flare of acne. Therefore make sure to get the treatment by an authorized practitioner or a well trained staff.

About 25 percent of the women have nipple hair. As the area around the nipple is very sensitive, plucking the hair with a sterile pair of tweezers is recommended against other methods such as sugaring, shaving or waxing. Before tweezing the hair make sure to take a shower and later apply a cold cream to the area.

Natural tips to remove blackheads

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Natural tips to remove blackheads

Gals i was searching for natural ways to remove blackheads, so i found this article ,thought to share it with u guys........

Warm some honey and place it on trouble areas for 10 – 15 minutes. Wash off. Honey is a well known and effective method of removing blackheads from the skin.

Baking Soda & Water
Combine 3 tablespoons of baking soda with 3 tablespoons of water. Rub this solution on your skin for a few minutes, and rinse with warm water for effective blackhead extraction.

Lemon Juice
Use lemon juice directly from the lemon on areas affected with blackheads two to three times a day. The juice will help tighten your pores and make the environment of the face less prone to blackheads. Limes will work just as well if no lemons are available.

Rose & Oatmeal Mask
This treatment is great to get rid of the blackheads you already have and prevent future break outs. Mix oatmeal powder with rose water to make a paste. Spread the paste on your face with fingertips and allow it to sit for 15 minutes before rinsing. Focus on the T-zone and other problems areas like the chin. Rinse this blackhead removing mask off with cold water. The cold water closes the newly cleaned pores, protecting against future blackheads.

Grated raw potatoes can be used to treat all kinds of skin problems including pimples, wrinkles, whiteheads and blackheads. Pack potatoes directly on problem areas to extract blackheads.

Radish Seeds
A paste made out of ground radish seeds and water applied to the face right on the site of a blackhead is an effective blemish remover. Leave the paste on for about 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

Skin cleansing tips from Shahnaz Hussain

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 Skin cleansing tips from Shahnaz Hussain

Whether your skin is normal, oily or dry, remember to cleanse the skin at night. This is even more important than washing the face in the morning. The make-up, dirt and pollutants that have collected on the skin must be removed at night, so that when you sleep, your skin can “breathe”.

Many of us like soap and water washing, because it has a refreshing effect. But, soap actually has an alkaline effect and makes the skin dry by removing natural oils and moisture. It can also disrupt the normal acid-alkaline balance.

1 If you have a dry skin, soap can actually hasten premature aging by drying out the skin.

2 If you have dehydrated skin with sensitivity, in the form of rough, red, flaky patches, avoid soap altogether.

3 If you have an oily skin, avoid washing the face with soap and water more than twice a day. Rinse well with plenty of water. Frequent use of soap makesthe skin too alkaline and leaves it vulnerable to bacterial attack.

Normal to dry skin: Use a rehydrant cleansing gel or cream, so that it provides emollients and keeps the skin lubricated and soft. After applying the cleanser, wipe it off with moist cotton wool, so that further moisture depletion is prevented.

For normal to oily and combination skin, use a cleansing milk. Soapless cleansers or face wash are also available. They are in the form of a cream, which has to be applied on the skin like soap and washed off with water. One can select the face wash according to skin type.

If you have a problem skin, with spots and pimples, choose a medicated cleanser or soap. They not only help to remove surface oils, but provide a fresh feeling.

Cleansing grains or facial scrubs are useful for deep cleansing the skin and are ideally suited to oily skin and clogged pores. If you have a tendency towards blackheads, grains will help. Scrubs are also grainy in texture and help to dermabraze the skin, removing dead epitheleal cells and unclogging the pores. They should be rubbed gently on the skin and then rinsed off with water.

Modern skin-care is based on individual needs. So, learn about your own skin and select your skin-care products according to the individual demands of your skin. It is the basis of a healthy skin.

Fitness & Exercise Tips for Women & Men

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 Fitness & Exercise Tips for Women & Men

As we age, our bodies lose muscle tissue and our metabolism slows down. Exercise is the best way to get physically fit and lose weight. Starting an exercise regimen at any age is extremely beneficial and can add years to your life.

Working out takes discipline and should not be painful. "No pain, no gain" is just a myth and is not good advice to follow. Exercise should make you feel healthy and fit, not looking for the ibuprofen and ice packs.

Experts advise that 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity at least three times a week is beneficial for both men and women. Select the best plan that is favorable to your lifestyle, whether it is at home or a fitness club.

Opt for a form of exercise you will enjoy the most and start out slowly, increasing your activity and work out-time gradually. Consider adding basic weight training to build muscles, burn calories and control body fat.

Aerobic Activity Training

Brisk walking



Jump Rope





For beginners, try increasing personal fitness in your everyday life by walking more, doing some yard work, painting, and parking your car further from your destination. Not only will you have the satisfaction of getting things done, you'll enjoy the benefits of being physically fit.

You don't need to lump your exercise all in one session. Try it in 10 minute increments if this is easier for you and as time allows. While there's no plan or guarantee for everyone, get started and find out what works for you.

Consult your physician before starting any exercise routine and understand that diet and nutrition will play a big factor in your overall results.

Fitness & Exercise Tips
Get busy at home. Clean your house more frequently, do more gardening and yard work.
Walking is one of the most popular forms of exercise, and for a reason. It's easy to do and comes naturally.
Begin exercising at least 20 minutes a day. Start slow.
Take it one day at a time, with realistic goals.
You don't need to invest in fancy fitness equipment. Buy yourself a $5 ab-roller, this is very easy to travel with.
Treadmills and exercise bikes are great aerobic activity tools for cold months indoors.
Add entertainment such as music or tv to your indoor activity.
The more muscle you gain, the higher your metabolism.
Get family and friends to exercise with you.
Take multi-vitamins.
Don't allow yourself to watch your favorite TV show unless you do it on a treadmill or exercise bike.
Add hand weights gradually to your routine.

Tips for flawless skin

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Tips for flawless skin

•Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.
• Cut beet root into small pieces and grind them. Squeeze juice from beet root and massage to your face for 5 minutes. Shower after 10 minutes with mild soap or gram flour.
• Mix sandalwood powder with rose water and add 4 to 5 drops of milk in it and apply on to your face and body. Shower after 15 minutes with warm water.
• Mix honey in water and drink daily in the morning to keep your skin shiny and smooth.
• Warm honey and mix with lemon juice and apply on to face. Wash after it dry.
• Mix Turmeric, sandal powder and olive oil and apply to body. Shower after 10 minutes.
• Massage your skin with milk. Milk has moisturizer, it will keep your skin smooth.
• Use humidifiers and keep room temperature moderate to keep your skin away from dryness.
• one should have water with only warm water preferably it should be little cold. Hot water blushes your skin and you don't feel fresh unless you have bath with little cold water. If you have shower for a longtime, dead skin will be automatically be removed. Do not rub with towel, be gentle on your skin.
• Take food which contains more A and C vitamin.
• Grate carrot and boil. Massage that mixture to body to get fair and smooth skin.
• For natural bleaching: - mix milk and lemon juice. The milk will break as soon as you mix the lemon juice in it. Use that mixture to massage on your body. It works as natural bleaching.
• Mix turmeric and cream on the top of milk, massage that mixture to body.
• If you go into sun your skin will lost the fair ness. To get your skin color to normal take equal quantities of cucumber juice and tomato juice and apply on to skin. Shower after 10 minutes.
• Massage mustard oil to your skin for 5 minutes and have shower with gram flour or mild soap.
• Mix cream on the top of milk and all-purpose flour and apply that paste on to your skin avoid eyes, eyebrows and lips. Shower after 5 minutes. This will make skin smooth.
• Mix curds (yogurt) with wheat flour and apply to your skin and take shower after 5 minutes.
• Grind rose petals and mix with cream on the top of milk and apply to your body. Shower after 10 minutes.
• Scaly skin is a result of fluorine deficiency. Fluorine is the anti-resistant element of the human body, the absence of which creates problems in the blood and spleen. Since cooking and heating foods destroys fluorine, it is better to eat uncooked raw fruits and vegetables. Other foods rich in fluorine are goat milk and cheese, rye flour, avocados, sea plants and cabbage, cream whey and cottage cheese.
• Wrinkle skin is a result of Sodium deficiency and makes skin sticky. Cucumbers are ideal for combating and preventing sodium deficiency because they are not only high in sodium, but also help in keeping the body cool, a great summer’s treat.
• Skin rashes are the result of silicon deficiency. To avoid pus and rashes, eat plenty of sprouts, alfalfa, barley, tomatoes, spinach, strawberries and figs.
• Skin eruptions are the result of Chlorophyll. And are found in wheat grass and other green leafy vegetables.

Toners make your skin feel fresh, taut and vigorously active. The simplest toner is fresh, pure water! Or even rose water-combined with witch hazel is good for oily skin.
Take a tablespoon of olive oil and mix it with 2 tablespoons of fresh cream. Apply on your face and leave it on for 10 minutes, then wash off with warm water. This leaves your skin soft, smooth and glowing.
Wads of cotton wool dipped in cold milk are very refreshing for tired eyes. Used regularly for 10 to 15 minutes each time, this can help lighten dark circles under the eyes.
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables-while avoiding oily and spicy food and go easy on sweets-that's for those who have a smooth tooth. This is skin care that works from the inside. And don't miss your daily dose of exercise.
Always remove makeup before going to sleep:
Mix a tablespoon of rice flour with 2 tablespoons curd. This is an effective cleansing milk which removes stale makeup and cleans open pores. Never apply warm water on your face after the makeup is removed.

Best Make up tips

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Make-up timeline

To ensure your eyes stay healthy and free of infection when using make-up, heed the following due-date rules. Throw out your mascara after three months, powder eye shadows every nine to 18 months, and cream eye shadows every six to 12 months. Sharpen your eyeliners often to keep them clean.

Mascara mistakes

To avoid mascara flake-off or smudging on your face, apply a thin cost of mascara to top lashes only. Then run an eyelash brush through lashes to prevent clumpy mascara build-up.
Get a rosy glow

Want your face to radiate a healthy glow? Try using a gel blush or cream (instead of powder) in a rosy shade of pink to create a more natural look. Gels or creams are more transparent and blend smoothly – rub it on the apples of your cheek and blend up towards the eye for a glowing complexion.
Minute manicure

Need a fast fix for unpolished nails? File nails into a square shape, buff them to create a bit of shine and apply a clear coat of polish. Next rub in cuticle oil around the edges of the nail and moisturize your whole hand. It takes less than 15 minutes and will give your appearance a polished look.
Brow etiquette

The trend in eyebrows for this season is natural looking, not sparse and skinny. Use a tinted brow definer or eye shadow to fill in scanty brows.

Fix tired feet

Pamper your tired feet with a luxurious footbath. Fill a basin with warm water and add a few drops of essential oils. Next place marbles or small stones (found at your local garden centre) into the basin. Run your toes and soles of your feet over the marbles, and relax for 15 minutes.
Eye/lip pencil care

Before sharpening your eyeliner or lip pencil, place them in the freezer for 10 minutes. They will harden slightly and not break when sharpened.

Eyeliner hint

Women with deep-set eyes should use liquid liner instead of regular pencil eyeliner, to prevent smudging in the crease of the lid. Liquid liner does not smudge as easily.
Nail polish know-how

Is your nail polish from last season too thick? Chances are the polish has begun to thicken at the bottom of the bottle. Add a bit of nail polish thinner to the bottle to get the maximum use of your nail polish.
Foundation tester

When picking out a concealer or foundation, always test the colour on the inside of your wrist. The skin there is the most unblemished and will give you a good idea of how it will look on your face. Extend your foundation

Want to extend the life of your foundation and cut down on heavy concealer? Mix a drop of it with your natural moisturizer to create a luminescent look for your skin.
Curl your lashes

Before curling your eyelashes, heat the curler with a hair dryer for a few seconds. Test to make sure it is not too hot, then apply to eyelashes. The heat will lock in the curl on extra long eyelashes.
Foundation secret

Apply foundation to your face after you have done your eye make-up. This helps you to fix any last minute smudging from mascara or eyeliner under the eyes.
Lipstick trick

Love matte lipstick, but feel your dry lips wreck the look? Apply a lip balm to lips before starting your make-up routine. By the time you have done your eyes and rest of the face, your lips will be moisturized and ready for the matte lipstick.
Manicure tip

If you have been sloppy applying nail polish, simply soak nails (when dry) in warm water for a few minutes and then rub off extra nail polish gently with a finger.

How to get Beautiful Hands

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Dry your hands thoroughly after any contact with water.

Warm a cup of whole milk and soak your hands to strengthen nails and hydrate skin. Not only is milk loaded with lactic acid (a natural exfoliant), but it also has a high calcium content to help strengthen fragile nails

Once a week sleep with rich moisturizer coating your hands. Warm the moisturizer, apply it to your hands, cover them with cotton gloves, and turn in for the night.

Combine one teaspoon olive oil with the contents of one vitamin E capsule and one teaspoon powdered milk. Massage into hands twice a week.

Fill a bowl with warm water, one teaspoon Epsom salts and some playing marbles. Submerge each hand for about 5 minutes, rolling the marbles around. This is great therapy for "keyboard fingers."

Eye Care Tips

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Melting eye shadow is a problem for many women, but there is a way to make it "stick" a little longer.

If you use a damp eye shadow brush and apply a layer of face powder to your lids and allow to set, the shadow will stay in place for the day.
Takes an extra second or so but the effort is well worth it.

Beauty Tips For Eyebrows

Your eyebrows add strength and definition to your face. Well groomed eyebrows enhance your beauty.

You should pluck eyebrows before bedtime so any redness will disappear overnight. In shaping your eyebrows use your facial features.

Use a pair of slant edge tweezers which grip hairs easily. Comb hairs one way and then the other to remove loose hairs.

You should pluck hairs between the brows and any stragglers. Never remove the hairs from above your eyebrows.

Pluck each hair individually close to the root. Work in the direction of the growth.
Always avoid over plucking. In defining your eyebrows choose a shade similar to your natural hair colour.

When using a pencil you should apply in small, feathered strokes. Starting at the inner corner work outwards.

Blend the colour with a brush. To tame stray hairs just use hair gel and comb through to neaten.