Saturday, August 23, 2008

Oily Skin Care Tips

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You've just washed your face and ten minutes later, voila, your skin feels oily all over again. Sound familiar? Prepare yourself to glow with confidence, even if your skin usually has an oily shine. Relax and follow a few simple steps and you'll soon be on your way to drier, cleaner-feeling skin that glows with radiance!When trying to look your best, having oily skin can pose quite the dilemma. Having your picture taken when you've forgotten...

Laser Hair Removal - Permanent solution of unwanted hair

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It really depends on who looks at it, but hair found on the face, on the back, on the chest, under the arms, on the legs and in the bikini area is generally thought to be unsightly. Such unwanted hair prevents us from wearing some types of clothes, like sleeveless tops, skirts or skimpy bikinis. It also affects our self-confidence to a certain degree. We women really spend some time and effort into getting rid of the unwanted hair on our bodies. Shaving is the most convenient way of doing it, but also the most time consuming....

Easy tips for a beautiful & sexy lips

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1. Exfoliate GentlyLips are more sensitive than the rest of your face, so facial scrubs can be too irritating. To remove dead skin, rub a soft, dry toothbrush over your lips once a week. Lip treatments containing salicylic acid can also peel off the dead skin without harm. 2. Add MoisturePut on lip balm then blot away the excess before adding lipstick. Avoid flavored lip balms, however, as they may tempt you to lick your lips (causing...

How To Pluck Eyebrows

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Plucking Your EyebrowsEyebrows and beautiful eyes Well-shaped eyebrows can take your face from ordinary to dramatic and beautiful. As long as you do not over pluck it, today's eyebrows are natural looking with a tapered arch, and you can groom them yourself in a few easy steps.1. Look for photos of women in the magazine, same face shape like yours and the brows you like.2. Draw your desired brow with a white pencil.3. To ease the pain,...

All Natural Face Cream

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This is recipe is good in removing excess oil in the face and to prevent the growth of pimples and acne. Materials:1/3 cup cocoa3 tsp of heavy cream1/3 cup of ripe papaya� cup honey3 tsp of oatmeal powder Procedure:Mix cocoa and heavy cream in a container. Add the ripe papaya and continue stirring with honey. Mix them thoroughly and add the oatmeal powder. Continue Stirring until it will turn into thick creamy paste. Apply on the face and wait for 10 minutes. Rinse face with lukewarm water. It is safe to do this everyday...

Haircare tips for the monsoon

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Slicked down wet hair may look sexy on a bikini-clad babe in a Bollywood flick, but the truth is that constant drenching in the monsoon and high levels of humidity spell bad news for your mane. We can fall prey to a number of scalp problems and bad hair days during the rainy season and diligent hair care is needed to maintain the heath and good looks of your locks.Certain scalp diseases become more prevalent in the monsoon -- exposure to dirty rainwater and consequent warm, humid conditions encourage the growth of bacteria...

Beauty Secrets Every Teen Should Know

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There's nothing worse than getting advice from older people, we know, we know, but the truth is some advice is worth taking and keeping, especially when it comes to fun beauty tips. We've been reading fashion magazines and testing beauty products for years. In this time, we've read 1000s of beauty tips, tried 1000s of products, but only a few are worth keeping around. So, here we share with you the 20 things we wish we knew when we were...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fashion Dos and Don'ts

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Dos 1. Wear monochromatic clothes for a slimming effect. 2. Stick to a single strand pearl necklace if you're doubtful about jewellery. 3. Avoid fishnet stockings. 4. fashionAdapt trends to make them work for you. If denim is the fashion and you don't wear jeans, try denim skirts, shirts, etc. 5. Add stylish things to your wardrobe every now and then. 6. Carry a small handbag for an evening out. 7. Emphasize your best feature and underplay your worst one. 8. Make sure your hemline suits your legs. Wear longer...

Face Cleansing Beauty Tips

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The most important physical aspect of our body-it looks back at you looking dry, or oily or listless or the way you make it i.e.: glowing and radiant. Start by giving yourself 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at bedtime. The weekends can be used for longer treatments.Lets start with the cleansing routine.Tips 1:Take 1 tbsp of un-boiled milk, dip a small pad of cotton wool in this and rub on the face gently. Use circular movements,...

Hair Removal Information & Techniques

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For decades now, women have been removing unwanted body hair, using different techniques. Not only does it add to the woman's beauty but it is better for her personal hygiene as well. Today getting rid of unwanted hair has become easier than ever. There are a number of easy techniques that you can use at home or you can visit a beauty parlor for professional treatment. Given below in some information about the different techniques that...

Get rid of Acne

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Acne is the word every teen hates but faces this nightmare at one point or the other during her growing years. There are as many numbers of creams and lotions available as the number of teens with acne! New research suggests that a diet with foods containing low glycemic loads could help people suffering from acne to get rid of their acne.Scientists from th RMIT university in Melbourne studied the effect of food on about forty three patients aged between 15 and 25 years. They were randomly assigned a normal diet and a low glycemic...

Secrets of glowing skin

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It is the dream of every woman to have a beautiful, fresh and youthful skin. The first step in looking younger begins with what you decide to put into your mouth. Your diet and lifestyle plays a major part in deciding the beauty of your skin. Most people think of a diet as being appropriate only for getting a beautiful figure, however eating the right kind of foods and following a proper diet will put you on the fast track to a healthy...

5 Tips for Your Bridal Outfit

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Just when you are ready to tie the knot the priest says that there are no dates for the next one year after the coming week.So you have one week to get your wedding outfit ready and two thousand things are running through your mind. Here are some points to keep in mind while searching for your Just when you are ready to tie the knot the priest says that there are no dates for the next one year after the coming week.So you have one week...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

How to make your lips look beautiful

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Do you sometimes think that you would kill for beautiful full lips? Sure, you could get Collagen implants, or tattooed outlines around your lip... But it's a little bit excessive, I'm sure you'll agree! There are other cheaper, and much more practical, ways of achieving a similar affect. Here's how to get beautiful full lips in four easy steps...Step one: Lip balmPrepare your delicate lips by applying lip balm in advance. Nobody likes...

Marriage Makeup Guidance

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The wedding season is here and every bride wants to look her best. So if you are preparing to tie the knot, here are our top tips to ensure you dazzle all day long.Practise your whole look beforehand and check it out in the daylight as it will look completely different in artificial light. And take a picture so you can see if you are happy with the result.Base: Start with a good control which will guarantee a shine-free complexion. Cover...

10 mantras to beat hair loss

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10 mantras to beat hair lossTrichologists Dr Apoorva Shah and Dr Sonal Shah, who have trained at the Institute of Trichology in London, are certified hair specialists advisors from the International Association of Trichologists, Australia, offer a few tips. The husband and wife duo are also the official hair advisors for the Miss India contest.Their mantras: * Eat lots of paneer, spinach (palak), green veggies and milk. * Regularly oil...