Do you face this dilemma to own beautiful nails? Then here is step by step beauty tips to own beautiful nails. You can care your nails in the privacy of your room too.
* The first step for beautiful nails is to get a good manicure yourself. You can read the step by step instructions for a homely manicure in the article How To Do Good Manicure?
* Your nails must be in a perfect condition to be groomed after a good manicure. Now, massage the around the area of nails with the knuckles of your other hand. This will increase blood circulation to the area under the nails.
* Every day apply a little bit of lime juice on your nails and let it rest there for 5 to 10 minutes. This will strengthen your nails and will give a natural glow to them.
* If you have the habit of wearing nail polishes everyday, be careful to remove them at least one day in a week. The nails need to get direct contact with sunlight for their healthy glow. Otherwise they will cast a deteriorated and yellow look within a short time.
* You must be careful to cut your finger nails every week. Toenails grow lesser in speed than finger nails and you have to cut the toenails, once in two weeks only.
* The habit of biting nails may put you into a serious beauty trouble. You may find dark marks around your nails and they will be looking repulsive. There is no natural remedy to get rid of the habit and you have to control it yourself.
* There is no way to avoid dirt under the long nails. To avoid this unhygienic condition, remove the dirt with carbon papers or thick clothes. Never use sharper objects to remove dirt from your nails as it would break the nails.
* The water can work as a beautifying agent as well as a destructive aid for nails. Once you wash your nails, be careful to dry them. The presence of moisture on your nails will weaken and break them easily.
Try these beauty tips and enhance the beauty of your nails.
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